Tuesday, January 24, 2023




Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Aameen Suma Aameen Ya Rabal Aalameen 🤲


This describes the perfect compassion and mercy of God’s Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace According to sound narrations, when at the terror of the resurrection everyone including the prophets will cry out for themselves, God’s Messenger (UWBP) will demonstrate his pity and compassion2 by calling out: “My community! My community!”3 As is affirmed by those who disclose the realities, when he was born, his mother heard the same words among his supplications. 4 Then the whole history of his life, as well as the benevolence he taught demonstrate his perfect compassion and clemency. Also, by evincing an infinite need for his community’s innumerable prayers,5 he showed a boundless compassion, for he showed that because of it he was concerned with the happiness of all of them. You can understand, therefore, how lacking in gratitude and conscience it is not to observe the practices of so kind and compassionate a leader.

Among the universal, general duties of his prophethood, God’s Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) displayed great compassion in certain particular, minor matters. Superficially, his behaving so kindly in such matters seems unfitting for the supreme importance of the prophetic mission. But in reality, such minor matters were the tips or samples of a chain that would be the means whereby a universal, general function of prophethood would be fulfilled. The greatest importance was therefore given to the sample for the sake of the mighty chain.

For example, the extraordinary gentleness God’s Messenger (UWBP) showed towards Hasan and Husayn in their childhood and the great importance he gave them6 was not only out of love and natural kindness and family feeling, it was rather because they were each the tip of a luminous thread of the office of prophethood, and the source, sample, and index of a community of great consequence which would receive the legacy of prophethood.

Indeed, the Messenger (UWBP) used to take Hasan (May God be pleased with him) tenderly into his arms and kiss his head7 for the sake of the luminous, blessed, Mahdi-like descendants who would spring from him, such as Shah Geylani, the Ghawth al-A‘zam,8 who would be the inheritors of pro phethood and would uphold the sacred Shari‘a of Muhammad. He saw with the eye of prophethood the sacred services they would perform in the future, and applauded them.9 He kissed Hasan’s head as a sign of approval and encouragement.

Also, he embraced Husayn (May God be pleased with him) and showed him importance and tenderness on account of the illustrious Imams like Zayn al-‘Abidin and Ja‘far al-Sadiq, and the numerous Mahdi-like luminous persons, the true inheritors of prophethood, who would spring from his effulgent line, and for the sake of the religion of Islam and office of prophethood.

Since with his heart with its knowledge of the Unseen, the Prophet Muhammad’s (UWBP) luminous vision and future-penetrating eye observed from the Era of Bliss in this world the Assembly of the Resurrection on the side of post-eternity, and from the earth saw Paradise, and watched events which had occurred since the time of Adam and were concealed in the dark veils of the past, and even beheld the vision of the All- Glorious One, he surely saw the spiritual poles and the Imams who were to be the inheritors of prophethood, and the Mahdis, who would follow on in the lines of Hasan and Husayn. And for sure he would kiss their heads in the name of all of them. Yes, Shah Geylani has a large part in his kissing Hasan’s head.